Sheets music… and how it looks on piano

Now you can watch a video, where is shown a selected piano sheet music, and how it looks, when it’s playing on the piano! I hope you will like it : )

(1) Néant autour de moi:

(2) Bénédiction de la solitude:

(3) La hâte de la vie terrestre:

(4) Monde scandalisé:

(5) Valse de l’espoir:

(6) La disgrâce de l’homme:

(7) Conséquences des actions:

(8) Prière:

(9) Souffrance humaine:

(10) BONUS Créations privées – avant de venir Medley:

Créations privées – avant de venir… it’s released already!

… after a last time, when I have had decided to write my first book with sheets music, passed already around one and half month. At beginning I wanted keep all of it, every composition only for myself… but when I have had finished my 3th composition, I have changed my decisions – cause for what shall it profit me if I will keep it only for myself?

When I have had changed my mind, I have had decided write book with piano sheets music. Not just small publication, but trilogy – and here is now first book, and next is coming 1st of July.

Due to the fact that through music is best to reflect what is difficult to show in words, I have had decided to transfer my feelings to the musical notes on the staves… and this has helped me a lot with my own feelings and with creating my first book with piano sheets music.

In the book “Créations privées – avant de venir” is contained 9 piano sheets music and 1 as a bonus, which is a medley – as an additional element I have had decided put selected quote at the end of each song, so that you could better understand the depth of what I feel, and how I perceive the world around me.

Most of the quotes I have had used is from the Word of God (The Bible), but that doesn’t mean that it’s intended only for believers, or some other group of people. The purpose of my music sheets, where I have had attached a selected quotes is let you better understand the depth of feelings.

If you would like to get a book for free, you can download it by following link: Créations privées – avant de venir

If you wish you can also check out sheets music on my MuseScore profile:

… or on the YouTube playlist:

I hope you will enjoy music sheets in this book.